Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pre-configuring Eclipse JadClipse Java decompiler using Genuitec "Secure Delivery Center"

Genuitec "Secure Delivery Center" (SDC) allows you to provide customized and pre-configured and centrally managed Eclipse distributions for your team(s), behind the firewall.
JadClipse is an Eclipse plug-in that automatically gives you a decompiled version of Java source code for any .class file you have.
This is invaluable when you don't have source code packages for your 3'rd party dependencies.
The current version of JadClipse (v3.4) doesn't include Jad decompiler and  requires external Jad decompiler binary to be present somewhere on your system.
Let's assume you already have an SDC-managed Eclipse package. In my case JadClipse was configured on top of Eclipse 3.7.2 SDK based package.

Mirror JadClipse in SDC as "JadClipse"
First of all, you will need to mirror JadClipse as 3'rd party Eclipse extension. In SDC Admin Console, go to Third Party Libraries -> Import New Library -> Import existing Eclipse update site -> Add Source Site.
Use "" as URL and choose "JDT Decompiler Feature" from the list of available plug-ins. 

Mirror Jad decompiler binaries in SDC as "Jad Decompiler"
Please download Jad decompiler binary for all platforms you want (Windows, Linux, Mac). You don't need to extract .zip archives.

In SDC Admin Console, go to Third Party Libraries -> Import New Library -> Package binary contents for delivery
For each downloaded downloaded jad*.zip archive do "Add binary contents", select .zip archive and mark platform (Windows, Linux or Mac) it's designed for.

Pre-installing new software into Eclipse package
Add "Jad Decompiler" and "JadClipse" to the Eclipse package software list, build and install the package (you may want to use "Test" build first).

Pre-configuring Jad binary location in JadClipse
Open Eclipse installation directory and locate Jad binary location. Typically SDC install it as ECLIPSE_HOME/binary/binary.contents-x.y.z/jad[.exe].
Copy & paste full absolute name of Jad binary to Eclipse - Window - Preferences - Java - Decompilers - Jad - Path to decompiler.
You may also want to check [x] Use Eclipse code formatter on the "Decompilers" page.

JadClipse stores all these settings as Eclipse preferences, so they are easily configurable with SDC.

Related property names are:

  • /instance/net.sf.jdtdecompiler.jad/net.sf.jdtdecompiler.jad.cmd
  • /instance/net.sf.jdtdecompiler.ui/net.sf.jdtdecompiler.use_eclipse_formatter 

You may find all property names and values by opening Eclipe - Help - About Eclipse - Installation Details - Configuration dialog.

For each supported platform create new text file called "jadclipse-<platform>.epf" using your favorite text editor. Put "file_export_version=3.0" as a header and then property values, one property by line.

Here is the example for Windows platform. Please note that in your case Jad binary location will be different!

If you need to support more than one platform, you'll need to create an SCD "Environment Policy" and assign it to the Eclipse package. In the environment policy configuration there is a dedicated configuration page for each platform, so you can easily specify platform-specific preferences.

Test and promote package changes
Basically, that's it. After promoting package changes all developers in your team will automatically get pre-configured JadClipse working out of the box.

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